Public Service Announcement for Freelancers

Today I received a response from a potential client I’d queried as a freelance illustrator.  They wrote to say that they thought my illustrations might work for their clients, who were big names and they listed quite proudly.  Yada-yada-yada…  If I would just send a $150 check for my work to be included in their talent list they would try to find me work (no promises, though!).


That is not how it works.

I do not pay clients to (maybe) give me work.  They pay me to do their work.  Even art reps, which this company was not, do not charge for merely listing my work on their website.

This is predatory.

Inexperienced freelancers fall for this, waste their money, and get nothing out of it!


Public service announcement.

Clients pay you, not the other way around.

Be wary.

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