The Wonder At The Well

Illustrations for Redemption Press
17 of 18

I might have lied. This one might be my favorite image of the series. The narrator lady has lost her temper and is cussing at her friend. I really liked drawing the angry pose and the profanity symbols. I was particularly proud of that cartoony skull.

This is a full-page illustration for page 19, which puts it on the left side of the book with the quarter inch bleed along all edges except on the right.

A cartoon illustration of a woman losing her temper and cussing at another woman.  A spikey speech bubble contains the traditional symbols that indicate she is using profanity.  The women are dressed in classic Roman-style clothing.,

The Wonder At The Well

Illustrations for Redemption Press
14 of 18

Page 14 has just one panel. It shows villagers walking out to the well where Jesus is standing and preaching to the crowd. Some villagers sit or kneel on the ground at His feet. I gave Jesus a slight halo because it seemed on theme. Notice the rope, abandoned vase, and empty box by the well? Those details came from earlier in the story.

A cartoon illustration depicting Jesus standing with his arms out, preaching to a gathering crowd by the village well.  The scene shows a wide view of the countryside and the figures of Jesus and the people are very small.  Jesus is shown with a visible halo.

The Wonder At The Well

Illustrations for Redemption Press
10 of 18

Pages 13 has four panels, and 14 has one panel. These two pages show the woman very excited to go back to the town and tell everyone about Jesus and what He told her. In this first panel, she is talking to the women of the village. This is a small panel, so it doesn’t need to be very detailed. It’s not important exactly what she tells them, just that she’s very excited about it.

A cartoon illustration depicting a woman excitedly talking to two other women.  Her speech is indicated by a speech bubble containing a large, red exclamation mark.

The Wonder At The Well

Illustrations for Redemption Press
9 of 18

Here on pages 11 and 12 we’re back to a two-page spread with a bleed around the edge. This illustration is where the penny drops. She says she knows that the Messiah is coming, and He responds with, “I am he!” Which, skeptical me, thinks would lead to a lot of questions to confirm such a claim, but this is a bible story, so she takes him at his word.

Remember how I’m not supposed to show Jesus’s face clearly? This scene comes the closest in the book to showing His face, but I gave Him shaggy hair to cover His eyes.

A cartoon illustration depicting Jesus and a woman talking.  She is gathering water from a well while Jesus gestures towards himself to emphasize his words.